I Call B.S. On All Cancer Research and Regulatory Agencies

If I disappear after making this statement, y’all come looking for me! Hopefully since I’m not making any claims to sell anything, I’m safe… and since we are finally telling the truth about sugar, I hope we can talk about this too. My money is on Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

I call B.S. on the FDA, Susan G. Komen, the FTC and any other organization claiming to be searching for cures and being guardians of our health. WTF????????!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, there is no proof. So let’s get some! I think we’ve raised enough money for cancer research to either dispel or prove the effects of this fruit. It’s been around forever, so that means we’ve had plenty of time for the test cases to have died or been cured. No longer, since the age of the Internet, can we act like folks in 3rd world countries are somehow less knowledgeable about nature, natural cures and old fashioned down home remedies. Everything we do comes from them or a laboratory mimicking them. Somebody, anybody, help me understand why we don’t have some scientific research one way or the other. It makes me wonder if there is a fraud being perpetrated in the name of profit.

This is not a hoax. I told y’all I would do some more research and I did. Now I’m calling B.S. on all US agencies who claim to not know. It’s time to know. Don’t go to the doctor again for any chemical treatment for cancer without checking this out… it’s worth a move, vacation or sabbatical to one of these countries to find out. It will probably cost you less than your hospital bill and funeral.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center claims Neurotoxicity ***I call B.S.*** “alkaloids extracted from graviola may cause neuronal dysfunction and degeneration leading to symptoms of Parkinson’s disease”. The compound annonacin, which is contained in the seeds of soursop, is a neurotoxin associated with neurodegenerative disease, and research has suggested a connection between consumption of soursop and atypical forms of Parkinson’s disease due to high concentrations of annonacin.

The French food safety agency says no ***I still call B.S. Where’s the further study?*** “concluded that, based on the available research findings, “it is not possible to confirm that the observed cases of atypical Parkinson syndrome […] are linked to the consumption of Annona muricata,” calling for further study on potential risks to human health.

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ***Sounds like propaganda to me*** “list cancer treatment as one of the “purported uses” of soursop.

Cancer Research UK, ***Tried to make it sound like a hoax.*** “Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific cancer organisations” and “there is no evidence to show that graviola works as a cure for cancer” and consequently they do not support its use as a treatment for cancer.

***And threw someone in jail!*** In 2008 a court case relating to the sale in the UK of Triamazon (the pill form), a soursop product, resulted in the criminal conviction of a man under the terms of the UK Cancer Act for offering to treat people for cancer. A spokesman for the council that instigated the action stated, “it is as important now as it ever was that people are protected from those peddling unproven products with spurious claims as to their effects.”

The Federal Trade Commission in the United States ***Is the worst.*** They’re the ones who were supposed to govern financial securities remember? Ooopps! “determined that there was “no credible scientific evidence” that the extract of soursop sold by Bioque Technologies “can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind.”

Now I’m not claiming anything about this fruit. I’ve never even seen it. But if I had unlimited resources and the federal license to do so… you best believe I’d be in a lab doing some research. I’ve lost too many loved ones to Cancer to at least not want to know the truth.

Here is a bit of info to help you on your discovery:

  1. yes you can buy the seeds.
  2. yes it is available and grown in the US.
  3. here are some of the names graviola, guyabanana, guyabano, soursop.
  4. here’s the wikileak, I mean link, that I referenced to show how easily the info can be found, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soursop

What say you????????