Who Can I Relate To On TV?

Well there’s not any characters I identify with who look like me (my sister says it’s Huey on Boondocks, but that’s a cartoon). Let’s just say I’d like to make all business associates, family members and every potential suitor sit through marathons of Bones, Criminal Minds and Big Bang Theory… With the following instructions:

Please write a one page summary of each of my three favorite characters. Explain what you do and don’t like about each one and if you think you could work well with them. What is special about them and what is annoying? Why? How would you handle each scenario you find annoying? What would you add to or do to help enrich their lives, make them feel comfortable and help them succeed?

This would be a fun exercise… But in reality, these characteristics look very different on a black female and are not at all received well by black men (not that I limit myself, I think all peoples are beautiful, but that is my culture and experience). I might be in trouble with some folks merely for having the audacity to say I identify only with three white characters who hold multiple PhD’s. But they may not know, I will have my first one soon and I’ve always lived in diverse areas (and by diverse I mean I was often the only Afro-American).

This is where our similarities split; the upbringing of a brown skinned female with these traits is not one that people celebrate, encourage or ever think will amount to anything. No one tested me for genius and I only found out that I am high on the spectrum for Apergers at the age of 42. I’ve been to 6 colleges and every one led to financial troubles, including the one I attended while working full time as a Bank Manager, and graduated from, Magna Cume Laude.

Now that I have been officially diagnosed (I’ve known since I knew what Asperger was), I function even better… But the hard times, bullying, criticism, and lack of understanding hurts worse. I never expected anyone to care before. Now it’s like there’s some false sense of special needs consideration, which really only applies to people who are disfigured or visibly disabled, that everyone says exists but really doesn’t… Unless you want to walk around looking pitiful and reminding people evrytime they trample all over your personal space, quiet time, privacy and even basic human rights.

How do you feel about these characters? Would you see Bones the same if she wasn’t white? Would Sheldon be as popular if he were female. Would Reid be as adorable if he were a brown skinned woman with untamed, natural, curly hair?

If these folks weren’t PhD’s do you think they would be able to get hired and maintain a career? Would they function well in corporate 9-5, manual labor, in a box, not using their gifts or just taking orders?

Next time you have a conflict with someone who reminds you of one of these characters, consider how high their IQ is, how hard they are trying to make you feel comfortable and that they really can’t help your perceived lack of social etiquette.

[Character Info from Wikipedia.com]

Dr. Temperance Brennan


Throughout the course of the series, Brennan is portrayed as a straightforward, brilliant anthropologist, who lacks social skills. Her social ineptitude is especially apparent when it comes to sarcasm, metaphors which she often interprets literally, and pop culture jokes and is often the source of comedy in the show. An example of this is when she mistakes Colin Farrell for Will Ferrell.

Dr. Spencer Reid


As is characteristic of people with Asperger’s Syndrome, Reid is socially awkward. He often fixates on things (prompting Morgan and other team members to have to tell him to be quiet), and misses social cues at times (for example, unknowingly changing the subject of a conversation). The Unknown Subject (“UnSub”) in “Broken Mirror” noted this, and Gubler stated in an interview in the show’s second season “[Reid]’s an eccentric genius, with hints of schizophrenia and minor autism, Asperger’s Syndrome. Reid is 30 years old with three Ph.D.s and one can not usually achieve that without some form of autism.” Writer Sharon Lee Watson stated in a twitter chat Reid’s Asperger traits makes the character more lovable.

Dr. Sheldon Cooper


Sheldon is a theoretical physicist at Caltech who shares an apartment with his colleague and best friend, Leonard Hofstadter (Johnny Galecki). He is a former child prodigy with genius level IQ, but displays an almost total lack of social skills, a tenuous understanding of humor, and difficulty recognizing irony and sarcasm in other people, although he himself often employs them. He exhibits highly idiosyncratic and narcissistic behavior and a general lack of humility or empathy. These characteristics provide the majority of the humor involving him, which has caused him to be described as the show’s breakout character.Despite speculation that Sheldon’s personality traits may be consistent with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive personality disorder and asexuality, co-creator Bill Prady has repeatedly stated that Sheldon’s character was neither conceived nor developed with regard to any of these traits.

Huey Freeman

Let’s discuss it… http://xeeme.com/AndréaRaquel

Lead Follow or Get Out of The Way | Living Sugar Free

Yep, I said it, and before you say Amen, I’m probably talking to you too…

Stereotypes about women, lies about history and biology, blatant porn, jokes on nationalities, racial remarks about the POTUS or anyone, oh and passive aggressive folks who get an attitude and say all manner of nastiness when anyone has the audacity to point it out… Or worse you got an attitude and said outloud you don’t see why we need Black History Month. As long as you don’t say the n word you’re good right? Wrong!!!
Somedia is out of control, but who’s leading the way?????

If you really want to make a difference, click the link and keep reading…

Let’s discuss it… http://www.tsu.co/SugarFreeCoach/18167812

S.H.E. Opportunity Killers

Oh you like that title, huh? Yes, I know I’m clever 😉 Spite, Hate and Envy are terrible joy stealers, relationship destroyers, and opportunity killers.

I’m a psychology researcher, coach, mentor and advisor…  unintentional kindling the hate fire is what I do, it is my weirdness. I call it hater aiding 😀 But there’s a fine line. When you say something profound, do something really great or really smart or accomplish something and then you celebrate really big and care about the fact that it makes the people who are jealous more frustrated. That’s pretty much the same thing as “watching them squirm” and shouldn’t really be motivation; but hey I understand that we’re human. I’m not saying what anyone should or shouldn’t do; I’m just offering a perspective that may help with easing some of that frustration.

Have you ever become friends with your neighborhood bully, the boss nobody liked or someone that was hating on you? It’s an interesting test of patience, forgiveness and leadership. How much more to serve them? I do it everyday. The key for me is remembering my why. The Bible says if I do it for them I have my reward, that’s whether I’m getting accolades or hate. I have been delivered from the opinions of people, truly. That is why I can laugh at it, discuss it and yes help others overcome. We throw around “to each his own” but what about live and let live?… even for the hater. I can’t stress the importance of being open to discussion, and not being quick to ignore people who are in your network. Now saying you aren’t going to associate with someone because they did something is not the same as saying you are going to ignore them because of their personality or feelings towards you. I don’t have to be around you, but if I’m going to be around you I can’t ignore you because that would be rude on my part and who’s to say you deserve that.

Anybody know what the Socratic Method is??? If I tell you what I want you to think, I’m being controlling. If I ask you a series of questions to make you reveal to yourself that what you are saying is not logical, than you gained the information on your own. I find it to be quite helpful when dealing with haters, and other folks who are not on the same page. “Haters” we toss that term around a lot, and I’m a jokester so I make light of serious social issues. But ultimately all humans have the capacity for jealousy, envy and spite. Most do it more often when no one is looking. The problem with social media is that often people forget that someone is always looking. So even ignoring someone is an action. Life is 20% what happens to me and 80% how I respond to it. How I respond to the hater is always going to be bigger than how I perceive the hater treated me. So why ignore them and why not just choose your network and online and off more wisely. Therefore you don’t have people in your circles that are blatantly prejudice,  mean, derailing, selfish and sabotaging… these are action words whereas hatred, jealousy, and envy are feeling words and subject to opinion. That is what we all agree haters are, right? Everyone that I might think is hating on me, is not necessarily. Sometimes they just have hang ups. The point is, who am I to be rude, disrespectful or less than myself to the hater. I never know why God may have brought me into their life.

#TXNL is a pretty big online network, even if you only count active fans and subscribers… I only have 400 FB friends and the majority is family, classmates, and coworkers from past jobs. I literally know almost everyone in person or via phone. It allows me to be accessible to my entire network on a schedule and limited to our online spaces. I can share content when I want and support members when I have time. I’m very good at managing my time and resources.

You’d be surprised at some of the online secrets I’ve learned. For example, I use to create Facebook groups from my fan page and then add the friends from my friend wall. That allows me to post as my page and so people notice my page more from the large groups we have. Well before lots of folks could catch on to that trick, Facebook shut it down. I think maybe it was a glitch. They will probably offer it as a paid service to pages. LOL!!!

Anywho. My point is that, y’all don’t have to like me, I love you. If you disrespect me with your actions I will let you know because maybe you are unaware, uneducated, unskilled, uncivilized and etc. That’s what leaders do, and I come from a good stock, breeding and training of great leaders so it’s ingrained in me to teach. The teacher, leader, actress, singer, speaker, comedian, preacher, remember I’m the coaches coach, doesn’t have time to be mad about their haters. But intentionally setting out to be rude? I may have deleted someone from my FB friend list. But if they follow me on Twitter I will follow back and if they tweet me I will say thank you. Doesn’t mean I’m hanging out with them for dinner. But guess what if they ask me, I will have to consider. As long as they don’t mind my sugar free way of letting them know they are being disrespectful. I’m perfectly okay with giving them the benefit of the doubt that they were not hating.

If you choose to ignore good sense, via any social platform I will unfollow and disengage because I don’t endorse foolishness. Oh, I’ve seen it all, the motivational speaker who was nasty and insulting to me, the coach who only wanted to take everyone’s money, the person who was trying to push their agenda, the con artist, etc. If I know you I will not publicly ignore you, heckle you, or try to embarrass you, like I don’t know you just because I think you are a hater, or rude or weird… that could go for any of us based on a judgement call.

Like I said, live and let live… may God use me to bless my haters too.

I Call B.S. On All Cancer Research and Regulatory Agencies

If I disappear after making this statement, y’all come looking for me! Hopefully since I’m not making any claims to sell anything, I’m safe… and since we are finally telling the truth about sugar, I hope we can talk about this too. My money is on Dr. Sanjay Gupta.

I call B.S. on the FDA, Susan G. Komen, the FTC and any other organization claiming to be searching for cures and being guardians of our health. WTF????????!!!!!!!!!!

Okay, there is no proof. So let’s get some! I think we’ve raised enough money for cancer research to either dispel or prove the effects of this fruit. It’s been around forever, so that means we’ve had plenty of time for the test cases to have died or been cured. No longer, since the age of the Internet, can we act like folks in 3rd world countries are somehow less knowledgeable about nature, natural cures and old fashioned down home remedies. Everything we do comes from them or a laboratory mimicking them. Somebody, anybody, help me understand why we don’t have some scientific research one way or the other. It makes me wonder if there is a fraud being perpetrated in the name of profit.

This is not a hoax. I told y’all I would do some more research and I did. Now I’m calling B.S. on all US agencies who claim to not know. It’s time to know. Don’t go to the doctor again for any chemical treatment for cancer without checking this out… it’s worth a move, vacation or sabbatical to one of these countries to find out. It will probably cost you less than your hospital bill and funeral.

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center claims Neurotoxicity ***I call B.S.*** “alkaloids extracted from graviola may cause neuronal dysfunction and degeneration leading to symptoms of Parkinson’s disease”. The compound annonacin, which is contained in the seeds of soursop, is a neurotoxin associated with neurodegenerative disease, and research has suggested a connection between consumption of soursop and atypical forms of Parkinson’s disease due to high concentrations of annonacin.

The French food safety agency says no ***I still call B.S. Where’s the further study?*** “concluded that, based on the available research findings, “it is not possible to confirm that the observed cases of atypical Parkinson syndrome […] are linked to the consumption of Annona muricata,” calling for further study on potential risks to human health.

The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ***Sounds like propaganda to me*** “list cancer treatment as one of the “purported uses” of soursop.

Cancer Research UK, ***Tried to make it sound like a hoax.*** “Many sites on the internet advertise and promote graviola capsules as a cancer cure, but none of them are supported by any reputable scientific cancer organisations” and “there is no evidence to show that graviola works as a cure for cancer” and consequently they do not support its use as a treatment for cancer.

***And threw someone in jail!*** In 2008 a court case relating to the sale in the UK of Triamazon (the pill form), a soursop product, resulted in the criminal conviction of a man under the terms of the UK Cancer Act for offering to treat people for cancer. A spokesman for the council that instigated the action stated, “it is as important now as it ever was that people are protected from those peddling unproven products with spurious claims as to their effects.”

The Federal Trade Commission in the United States ***Is the worst.*** They’re the ones who were supposed to govern financial securities remember? Ooopps! “determined that there was “no credible scientific evidence” that the extract of soursop sold by Bioque Technologies “can prevent, cure, or treat cancer of any kind.”

Now I’m not claiming anything about this fruit. I’ve never even seen it. But if I had unlimited resources and the federal license to do so… you best believe I’d be in a lab doing some research. I’ve lost too many loved ones to Cancer to at least not want to know the truth.

Here is a bit of info to help you on your discovery:

  1. yes you can buy the seeds.
  2. yes it is available and grown in the US.
  3. here are some of the names graviola, guyabanana, guyabano, soursop.
  4. here’s the wikileak, I mean link, that I referenced to show how easily the info can be found, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soursop

What say you????????

Talking Over Your Own Head | You Might Be A PorchMonkey

From #LivingSugarFree

If you don’t understand marketing or business in general, let me help you.
Either play along for the sake of discussion, be supportive, ad value, or keep your mouth shut and avoid looking like a fool…
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